No commission or guarantor necessary. Furnished shared housing for rent.


roomroom layout

Internet access is available.

Room type:
Private room (One person) / 7.6m²

Bed, air-conditioner, closet, refrigerator, desk, chair, Internet connection point


Room type:
Private room (Two person) / 15.2m²

Bed, air-conditioner, closet, kitchen, fridge, desk, chair, Internet connection point

Satisfying Communal Facilities

Garden Patio

Garden Patio

A path lined with greenery through our beautiful garden patio area will welcome and bring you to our main entrance.



Make yourself at home on the cozy couch in our lounge as you relax by watching TV or chatting with other residents.

Dining Area

Dining Area

Several parties and seasonal events will also take place here to help residents make new friends and communicate with each other.
You can enjoy the beautiful sunshine that pours through the room's large windows.



Our open-style kitchen is equipped with IH cooking stoves.
Kitchen utensils and dishes are also available.

Laundry Room

Laundry Room

Coin-operated washing machines and driers are conveniently located on each floor.
Large-size washing machines are also available.

Shower Room

Shower Room

Our shower facilities are always clean and spotless.
A public bath house is also available in the neighborhood.

Play Room

Play Room

Our Play Room offers a bar-like atmosphere where you can play a variety of games ranging from darts to billiards.